daily- motivation  introduction

daily- motivation introduction

What is daily motivation?

Let me explain, I am a member of a telegram group where daily, administrators publish motivational phrases, quotes and videos and I said to myself, as we want to learn and evolve together, why not embark on this project which will allow us to make motivational publications accessible to a greater number of Internet users?

Technical stack

For this project, we will use Spring boot thymeleaf as a template engine, git for code versioning, GitHub for hosting our source code, boostrap for CSS, postgress for data storage and AWS for hosting our application.


In this project, we will start from the simplest features to the most complex, we will have for example:

  • recording a motivational message

  • display a list of motivations

  • update motivation

  • deleting motivation

  • adding authentication

Next step

for the next step (next tuesday) we will present the html interfaces useful for our project.